I have spent some time today dealing with a very depressed man who urgently needs some help to rejoin the community. I hope we can get through to him, I suspect that whoever answered the phone did not realise it was urgent.
Met with Ron today down at the mall, nice to have a good coffee and a catch up. Nice to talk with another vision impaired person and am always fascinated by the people who stop and stare at the two dogs lying on the cool floor.
I have now finished the Jeffrey Archer thriller, False Impressions. Thoroughly enjoyed it though I had two very late nights listening, every time my VRS turned off I rolled over and turned it on again. He writes a great story, wonderful plot, almost sad when it finished. I am now reading;
This follows on from the Flame Trees of Thika which I read several months ago. After a sojourn in England to see out the war the family returns to Kenya. I have reached the place where rats are falling into boiling marmalade, a bit off-putting. It seems to be a fairly light read which hopefully will put me to sleep each day.
I am still reading The Underground Girls of Kabul on my kindle. It is quite a long book and my inability to read more than short bursts due to migraine issues is making this a long drawn out book. I have dozens of books I want to read on my kindle, I hope a solution for my issues comes soon.
Jay is to have his WOF test tomorrow. I do not think he has met Mike, but it will be interesting to see if he behaves as he should when we go for a walk. They seem to be taking a long time between each check up, I guess we are supposed to carry on with few problems.
Working at home means I do not get as much time for blogging, or lots of other things on the computer. I would love to spend more time writing and doing my blog but income comes first!
My disabled daughter had a birthday on Friday, 37! We went out to Smith and McKenzie, a restaurant near me which was named NZ Restaurant of the Year by the NZ Hospitality industry. Cherie had a big plate of risotto, I had the nicest lamb I think I have ever eaten. Dessert was Cheescake and crème brulee! A night to enjoy but with a bill of $99!
Today we have been shopping at the Base, after a morning yesterday at the Gluten Free Show where I purchased lots of cereal at about $2 per box, plus a few treats.
Reading, apart from talking books, has stopped while I wait for my migraines to settle again. I am glued to a book on my VRS, another of Jeffrey Archer's.
A huge mystery novel, the twists of plot and our own thoughts, which often prove wrong, leads us to New York, London and Tokyo. Stayed awake for hours the other night reading this book, so exciting.
I keep forgetting to download new Zinio magazines from the library, must keep up or I will get behind and have to rely on the narrated ones. I have so much reading I can barely keep up!
I had not realised how long it was since I had posted on my blog. Not only have I been unwell and unable to read using my kindle, but I have been very busy working on a literature review, writing and attending meetings at CCS Disability Action. I have to travel into the city to attend two meetings at the City Council today, a busy but interesting lifestyle.
Last night I finished
I found much of it difficult to follow and almost deleted it from my VRS. The last few chapters were the only ones with any real plot, despite its auspicious awarding of a Pulitzer prize. Perhaps it bears more allegiance to American readers who would better understand the nuances and history. I much prefer Brook's other novels.
I was not sure if I would get past the first few pages of this book on my VRS as it is narrated by a man who seems to think the blind are also uneducated. It is read in such a patronising manner that I think following it to the end may be difficult.
Barth is taken in by two blind spinsters who are music teachers following the Nazi invasion of Holland. He also pretends to be blind and is secreted away by the two wonderful women until there is a raid on the house and a Jewish woman also being hidden is captured. As long as I can stand the narrator this may prove to be a very interesting book.