Reading has been a bit hit and miss at present. On my VRS I am reading:
I keep going to sleep and have to rewind this book so I am a little confused about the plot. It seems to be about several Irish girls attending University and all the mischief they get up to.
On my kindle I am reading:
The Pilgrimage' recounts the spectacular trials of Paolo Coelho and his mysterious mentor, Petrus, as they journey across Spain in search of a miraculous sword.
I had always thought this was a non fiction book and was very surprised to find it is a novel. I am really enjoying its mysterious episodes and the way the pilgrim views his experiences.
I am not sure I could walk this route, I believe it is 500 miles and finding the trail is not always easy. It must become both a soul and spiritual journey which will change a person's life forever.
Little else has risen to impact on me other than I can see that Chocolat is getting worse and seems to be sinking into both health issues and fear of leaving me. At her age it must be difficult to know she is struggling with her health issues, especially when I put her outside on the long days I spend out or at work.