I have decided to reprise this blog which I really enjoyed writing. My life became very busy since 2016, I have had two major concussions which were eventually traced to sick sinus syndrome, a heart condition, and I now have a pacemaker which regulates any change in the timing of my heart rhythm. This has meant a lot of reading has been done in the last five years. One year I read 106 books. I record all the books I read and have now joined two book clubs where I discuss what has appealed to me the most of the books I have read in the previous four weeks.
So to begin the revitalised blog here is my first offering.
This is the story of a follower of the Hasidic faith, a very Orthodox Jewish sect who slowly loses his faith, moves into the secular community and eventually loses his whole family. It is an insight into both this unusual belief and its treatment of members. The subterfuge Shulem has to undertake to leave a sect which has been his whole life is both sad and stunning in its description. Well worth reading if only to give you an understanding of the damage such religions can do to kind decent human beings.