Just One Look has not translated well into the talking book format. I have put it to one side while I explore other reading but may return to it in the future. It may possibly be a wrong choice of narrator but I found myself bored listening several days ago so have now switched to a book I have had on my VRS for about two years.
Anne Perry, a well know crime novelist, was eventually outed as Juliet Hulme, a New Zealand teenager who helped her friend murder her mother in the 1950's. Ostensibly New Zealand's most famous matricide and the subject of Peter Jackson's movie 'Heavenly Creatures', Anne now lives in isolation in a small Scottish village and was devastated to be found out. The reaction was most unexpected, little has changed and she was accepted for who she is now. This book examines links between her crime, her novels, and examines the inner workings of her life since leaving New Zealand. This is a book I am really enjoying.
Chocolat is looking old and is again losing weight. I am afraid this winter will not be kind to her, I just hope the long days outside while I am at work will not impact her health in a negative way. As Jay realises his loved companion is truly slowing down I also face the necessity of accepting that a Labrador of 12 and a half is not young. Arthritis is more than evident and she spends much of her time snuggled up next to me or sleeping in the shafts of sunlight pouring through the windows.
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