Making a decision to open this book on my VRS at some ungodly hour may prove fortuitous. I doubt I have ever read a spy novel, certainly I cannot remember having done so. Blackford Oakes applies to join the CIA and with a mother living in London which provides adequate cover, he is sent to discover the source of a leak involving a Queen Caroline and the royal household. An ex-fighter pilot and Yale graduate, Oakes is debonair and intelligent. I hope this turns out to be as interesting a book as it appears in an hour or so of listening last night.
I am still reading Rushing Women's Syndrome by Dr Libby Weaver. So much of this book fits my stressed out life which has come to a head of late. I am hoping to gain skills which will allow me to recognise when I am becoming stressed, over tired and beginning to burn out. Tired adrenal glands appear to be the source of many women's issues.
Four days to relax and enjoy doing as little or as much as I choose is very precious. My arthritis is painful so walking and getting fresh air may be out of the question so I will have to garden or sit outside in the sun. Perhaps my next book will have to be about diet and exercise for sore joints, I just hope there is one for kindle or in large print.
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