Hoping for a very lazy Sunday afternoon I opened this book on my kindle and could not put it down. The story of a middle-aged New Zealand woman who felt the tug of her French ancestors and moved to France to begin a new life. Many of us would have given up after the struggles she had even getting there, but all now appears to be good and she is happily settled in the country of her dreams. The only dissonance is her desire for a male companion which seems to be, as yet, unfulfilled. I am never sure why women feel they need a man to make them complete. Not the normal 'buying a ruin and doing it up in France' story, this book is one I will finish in another hour or so of reading. I think many women envy those who make such huge life changes leaving everyone behind who has formed their life to date.
I am an avid buyer of this magazine but often fail to read it properly. This issue has yet to arrive in New Zealand so I am one behind. While it is British based many of the ideas and suggestions are relevant to writers of all genres wherever they live. I often find it has competitions which have almost closed and writing retreats in exciting parts of Europe are very tempting. It makes one feel one is not alone even if many of the writers seem to be in the romance and light fiction genre.
This book was recommended by the Memoirs group I belong to on Facebook. It looks to be another light read, perhaps in the same category as the movie about the French gardener who inspires the artist to re-invent his life and do a series of paintings about reality.
Inspired by Frances Lawson's 'Follow my Heart' I have decided France is a wonderful destination, I just hope it is not too far to travel in the future as I still struggle with sight, gluten and arthritis issues. I can dream!
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