Wednesday, 8 October 2014

No Talking Books

The battery in my VRS appears to be dying. I have just ordered a new one which they promise will be posted to me today. I charged it up a few days ago and last night it would not turn on, I re-charged it this morning but made the mistake of turning it on while it was charging to see if the battery was the problem, now it will not charge at all! I had not realised how important it was to me until it refused to turn on - it is my link to books recorded especially for the blind and vision impaired and allows me to 'read' in bed at night.

I am still reading Chasing the Rose on my kindle, a slow read due to my wonky eyes. I am enjoying learning about the medieval roses, some of which I used to grow at the farm; their origins, scents, colours and interesting stories. I am hoping to increase my amount of kindle reading but am having to restrict all use of 'screens', whether it be an ipod, kindle, computer or TV.

The tui which has settled in the trees over the fence from my house in the park is a very noisy companion. Delight at having this beautiful native make a home so close to mine is tempered by the fact I cannot see him, although my neighbour reports that he is feeding on the nearest kowhai. It is a delight to hear all the birds singing in the morning and the tui loudly asserting himself as he cares for his nest. I hope this means we will get many more over the next few years.

Yesterday, after a particularly frustrating wait in the rain and cold for a bus, I made the unusual decision to repair to a local cafĂ© and have hot chips and hot chocolate. Settling down to my odd feast who should walk in but my GP who has been encouraging me to lose weight. She was very magnanimous  about by food decisions and rather oddly ordered the same meal for herself!

Hopefully I will have more books to review soon, this enforced break from devouring books is getting quite depressing, yet my house is very clean! 

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