by Tamer Elsayed. His journey through prison, Caltech and then poor employment in Saudi Arabia is one of horror and disappointment. I emailed him to say how much I had enjoyed his book and he replied saying I had made his day, wonderful.
I have taken pot luck with the books I have read on my kindle lately and picked at random:
Disillusioned with an unhappy marriage Samantha re-reads seven love letters she received many years previously from Jean Luc. She had never replied to them but their language and love touched her loveless heart. I am only 3 chapters in so will learn more but the introduction shows that she and Jean Luc are now an item.
I found Paris much too big, too many people, I lacked any sense of direction there and found people most unhelpful when I got lost. My biggest difficulty was finding a public toilet which consumed much of my time. I never found the city of love, probably because I was not looking! I find it very interesting that I devour books about places I have already been as if there was something missing from my experience.
I am getting itchy feet again, guess I need to plan for a holiday in 20 months when I turn 65. It has been a long time since I felt the desire to travel again, perhaps now is the time to plan and put the pin in some places on the map.
Jay is going to have another session tomorrow to try and stop him standing up in cafes. My training has been a disaster so hopefully Mike can put him back on the right track again.
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