I learnt a couple of days ago that my lovely cousin Ruth's son Andrew has died of the disease which has plagued their family. Motor Neurone Disease has taken their father, uncle, sister and now another sister is ill and has a short time left. It is to be hoped that Sharon and Paul have escaped this scourge which has blighted the family. There must be few families to lose almost all the children to a gene inherited from their father's family.
I have finished Victoria Twead's book and have now started;
I have only read the prologue but the book seems to challenge everything we have ever been taught about Jesus. Links with my own thinking that perhaps he was just one of many and the writing of others has magnified his role will make this a very challenging read. The author seems unafraid to alter historical thinking and of a possible backlash from moderate and fundamental Christians but I think is more in step with those who have examined all the false edicts promoted by many people today. I will continue to post on this book as it adheres to my own version of the philosophical thinking of the 21st century.
The geological map of Britain is still proving interesting although at times seems to be too simplified, perhaps for the general reader who fails to understand the importance of mapping what is underneath us in the depths of the earth. I am also enjoying its soporific side, helps even when stressed.
I have several unread magazines still in their mailing covers, perhaps this is something I can explore when Cherie is here for the weekend. At present I subscribe to the Healthy Food Guide and New Zealand House and Garden but the print seems to be reducing in size, one assumes so they can fit more into each issue. This is difficult and I am now reduced to using my CCTV to read many of these monthly publications.
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