Audere, agere, auferre.To dare, to strive, to conquer.For generations, privileged young men have attended St. Oswald's Grammar School for Boys, groomed for success by the likes of Roy Straitley, the eccentric Classics teacher who has been a fixture there for more than thirty years. But this year the wind of unwelcome change is blowing. Suits, paperwork, and information technology are beginning to overshadow St. Oswald's tradition, and Straitley is finally, and reluctantly, contemplating retirement. He is joined this term by five new faculty members, including one who -- unbeknownst to Straitley and everyone else -- holds intimate and dangerous knowledge of St. Oswald's ways and secrets. Harboring dark ties to the school's past, this young teacher has arrived with one terrible goal: to destroy St. Oswald's.
As the new term gets under way, a number of incidents befall students and faculty alike. Beginning as small annoyances -- a lost pen, a misplaced coffee mug -- they are initially overlooked. But as the incidents escalate in both number and consequence, it soon becomes apparent that a darker undercurrent is stirring within the school. With St. Oswald's unraveling, only Straitley stands in the way of its ruin. The veteran teacher faces a formidable opponent, however -- a master player with a bitter grudge and a strategy that has been meticulously planned to the final move, a secret game with very real, very deadly consequences.
A harrowing tale of cat and mouse, this riveting, hypnotically atmospheric novel showcases New York Times bestselling author Joanne Harris's astonishing storytelling talent as never before. (less)
Like all of Joanne Harris's books I am finding this book fascinating. The theme weaves in and out of the pages as one waits for the next event to befall this school. I am listening to this on my VRS and finally have a book I can stay awake to listen to.
I have been reading this book in short spans as there has been some good TV on lately. I am a little lost on some of the themes but am enjoying exploring the mind of Perdu as he takes his Literary Apothecary on a journey from Paris to the south of France. Many ideas are interwoven and I am sure I will have a better idea of where this books is journeying in the next few days.
Two neighbours are meant to be moving this weekend, it looks as though Sharon is packing and I am sure that Margaret will be very happy to see the back of her boarder. When Carolyn is leaving is in the lap of the gods. She has told one neighbour she is going on the 27th and another on Monday, tomorrow, so not sure.
The dogs are both well although Chocky is definitely reaching her most senior years. I hope she improves as the weather warms up and can enjoy the summer and just lazing in the sun.
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