I am trying to understand When in Rome but keep drifting off to sleep and cannot find the theme of the book. Mario Lanza seems to be the main character which makes this book rather light in my estimation, but I will continue to read it as it seems to be a wonderful sleeping draught.
Last night I finished reading The Primal Wound and then spent half an hour cutting the myriad of post it notes shorter so I did not dislodge any of them from the pages. It has been a revelation, explains so much of my life, challenges me to change and deal with my issues and accept who I am.
A friend is travelling to Bali tomorrow and amid our jests not to take her stash of cocaine, marijuana, and lock her surfboard properly I still wonder at the risk people take travelling to this part of the world. There must be safer places to go for a holiday, ones where drugs do not become part of the daily scenario.
Another friend from work is travelling here, to Vanuatu, much safer. Perhaps I should be looking for a closer destination, perhaps even a part of New Zealand I have not visited before.
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