A memoir like so many other New Zealand memoirs, it evokes our own past, the way we live here in New Zealand and the everyday happenings that make an interesting story. I have got as far as her secondary school years and can totally empathise with her attempts to avoid reading out loud due to a stammer. The embarrassment so many of us felt with childhood stammers when it was seen as acceptable and 'good' for us to take a turn at reading out-loud has provoked lifelong consequences. I was middle-aged before I felt comfortable making a phone call to someone important, speaking publicly and similar. I look forward to continuing this gorgeous memoir which is also filled with wonderful recipes destined to return many of us to our country childhoods.
I spent my power account Brownie points recently on a 6 month subscription to NZ House and Garden.
http://nzhouseandgarden.co.nz/ I am hoping to enjoy a vicarious look at some of our most beautiful homes, perhaps pick up a decorating idea or two, possibly even a delicious recipe. My first issue was waiting in the mail box when I returned from work yesterday so some sun, a nice coffee and a look into its pages is my next task.
Kindle books continue to enhance my reading experience. Last night I purchased several new books beginning with Victoria Twead's new memoir, Two Old Souls in Spain Again. She is a member of the FB memoir page I have joined and seems to be an enthusiastic individual. I also bought Italian Journey by James Shaw, and Art Journal Art Journey by Nicole Rae. Now just to find the time to read!
Several of the staff at work yesterday had been on overseas trips during the holidays. Bali seemed to be the place of choice, despite complaints of sunburn and overwhelming tiredness in the heat. I think even more exotic places should be on the wish list. Perhaps one of these:
This was a city I got so tantalisingly close to, visa and invitation applications made little sense and the person at the embassy did not seem to understand my enquiries. So one of the cities I visited instead was Prague which I think is the most interesting and beautiful city I have visited. More travel dreams!
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