I am having to adjust to not being young any more! While some may laugh I am staring retirement in the face and wonder how much longer I can keep working. One job is exceedingly boring while the other keeps me interested and occupied. Work from home is my best option but soon I may have to look at my choices. The things I wish to do each day in a relaxed and creative manner will now have to take precedence other wise I will suffer from burnout again and this is not an option for me. I want to live and love!!
I am continuing with reading Piano Obsession, and while Perri Knize has yet to even purchase a piano her search is fascinating and I am even tempted to learn again myself. Listening to the tone of a piano and asking sellers to change the tone and adjust the piano setting is not something I imagine occurs regularly here in New Zealand.
A friend of mine, Susan Joyce, has just won the people's choice and overall best book on Amazon memoirs for her book The Lullaby Illusion. Determined to purchase the book and read it I went to the Amazon website only to discover I had bought the book a couple of months ago, it shows how far behind I am with my kindle reading.
Susan has just friended me on Facebook, I feel like I have a really famous writing friend. I hope she can give me some real encouragement to keep writing and expand on my memoirs and short stories based on my life. This is the type of sharing I need in my life as I grow to accept who I am and who I could become in my later years.
I also purchased another place-getter today and hope this book may offer me some guidance and hope as I cast aside a friends comments and begin to write in earnest again. How people's put-downs have stopped me writing is cruel, I need to move on and write in any style I choose.
Jay is outside drying off after a quick and rather late shower this afternoon. He was getting a bit wiffy and really needs a trim, might manage this later. I love him to bits, my best friend and companion.
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