Wednesday, 3 September 2014


Poor sight and arthritis are lowering my resistance at present. I am struggling to walk anywhere and suspect the exercises I have are also being combined with arthritis drugs to make me feel a bit better. I know this is my life now but I hope to spend some of the summer researching ways of reducing the pain and keeping my mobility.

Extra work this week and probably next week also is tiring, I hope I do not experience any anxiety trying to fit in the extra hours around my already busy schedule. I need to work the hours so I can have the school holidays off in 3 weeks, otherwise I have to work at school alone which is no longer safe.

Reading has taken a back seat again this week as I have been so tired at night. I am thoroughly enjoying Piano Obsession and hope to read the chapters on her unpacking her new piano tonight. I have also been listening to The Flame Trees of Thika each evening on my VRS. A fairly long book, I suspect I have several more days of reading before I can choose a new book.

An author has been trying to email me a large book file which I doubt will come as I do not have ultra fast broadband. I am not sure where she lives but sending the file is proving incredibly difficult for her, so much for winning a prize!

Jay had a phone call from his puppy walker today and Chocolat received a letter from the vet reminding her she has to have an arthritis injection. Seems dogs are becoming more and more human!     

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