Saturday, 20 June 2015


After another visit to a neurologist I have been put on an elimination diet. Alison asked me to buy the book Heal Your Headache and it is fantastic. So far I have removed coffee and all suspect seasonings. I have started taking fish oil again and have to take magnesium, Vitamin B and Feverfew. I must remain on the diet for 4 months and then start adding in different foods again. I will be stunned when I find out what could be causing these ongoing migraines and am happy to remove this from my diet in the meantime.

 Heal Your Headache

I am only a short way through the book but have already found that issues I have put up with all my life may be connected to my migraines.

Last night I finished listening to:

The Girl at the Lion d'Or

I think it would make a wonderful movie with scenes of France interspersed with the tale of love and loss. Apparently the movie rights were purchased but the film has never been made. 

My WLM Facebook group keep recommending wonderful books which I am so tempted to buy. I have started writing these in a journal so I can purchase them when I have read a few of the books I already have on my kindle. If my head clears it will be wonderful to be able to read more voraciously.  

 Naked: Stripped by a Man and Hurricane Katrina
  I recently purchased this book on special from Amazon, Julie is a FB friend and is one of the authors on the WLM group.

A Farewell to Arms

This is a book I have never read and felt obliged to. I started it in the middle of the night and have not got the gist of it yet so may have to rewind some of my VRS to find out what happened in the beginning. 

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