I have experienced life long migraines and have seldom taken any kind of drug to help it. Now that I am discovering from David Buchholz's book that many of the things I like to eat and drink are triggers I am beginning to reduce what little medication I take. I wish they would not follow the American dream of drugs, ER rooms and more drugs and at least try some natural methods.
I am still reading the headache book but think I am near the end as I have been told that it concludes with lots of recipes. A wholefood diet seems to be the best, it is just the snacks which are more difficult.
I have finished The Runaway on my VRS, just a lovely story to follow through to its inevitable end. I have been unable to return to A Farewell to Arms so deleted it, downloaded two more books from the RNZFB library and have started reading a book called Flying Colours.
It is an inspirational story of the use of art to challenge and awaken a group of severely disabled adults. I think it is a book I will really enjoy given the subject matter and that my daughter is a disabled artist. The power of art to unlock parts of the brain we seldom recognise is amazing.
I need to go through the books on my talking book machine to see what I have had there for too long, what I am no longer interested in and have a deleting session to make way for other interesting books. Life is too short to read books that one cannot wait to turn the next page of and are conversely disappointed when one reaches the end.
The dogs seem to be enjoying the cold nights and bright clear, sometimes frosty, mornings. The days are tending to dull by lunchtime but all in all I am coping well this winter and am enjoying all the new opportunities it brings.
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