Saturday 21 February 2015


Yesterday was my birthday. I went out with my Stepsister for morning coffee and cake, slept half the afternoon and stayed up late to watch the final of Australian Masterchef. Although I knew who had won it was still very interesting to see all the pain they were in trying to gain the most points.

I am still reading Gorse is not People and find some of the stories interesting if I manage to finish before my VRS turns off. Other stories have no meaning at all and seem to reflect the mental illness that Janet Frame experienced much of her life. I will be glad when it is finished and I can move on to something easier to follow.

Writing a literature review has taken much of my time over the last 2 weeks. Apart from a meeting this Wednesday I hope I have almost finished it. On to the next one I would imagine.

I am still having difficulty reading on my kindle, hopefully this enforced break will be tempered by a huge reading session over the next week.  

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