Tuesday 29 April 2014

Computer Issues

My new computer is all up and running thanks to the lovely young man who sets it up especially for my vision impairment. Two hours work amounted to $60, not sure if this is mates rates or not but I am very impressed. Everything I want urgently is at my fingertips, even though I did have a little trouble accessing this blog, could not remember my password.

Just One Look may have been on the New York Times bestseller list but it is not an easy book to follow as a talking book. If I miss even the smallest amount I have to rewind as I am completely lost as the plot has moved forward so quickly. Mystery novels are not my forte but this one does have the makings of a story with several twists in the plot.

Poetry is something I have never really enjoyed until the last few years. I downloaded a volume of general poetry, one of Yeats and another of Rilke to my kindle, it is time to read them as autumn brings cool days and nights made for reading. This 'year of reading', prompted by Susan Hill's Howards End is on the Landing is proving very interesting. I have a long list of books I wish to purchase for my kindle, to try and borrow or arrange for the Foundation to provide in talking book format. Renewal of my joy in reading has brought new adventures, new thoughts, new dreams. Authors are presenting themselves to me in wondrous ways and I crave each new page, new kindle book opened, new pages and that smell of printers ink. Disappointments are few, I have two books half read on my kindle, one about reading, I just need more hours and less to do in my real world.  

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