Monday 17 November 2014

What is Normal

While New Zealand is gripped by stories of tragic house fires, how a convicted paedophile and murderer can escape the country legally and the response to Putin at the G20 summit I seem to be finding a way through my headache issue. My GP is taking me seriously and realises how debilitating it has been for me. Although some of the drugs are harsh at least I seem to be feeling better and hopefully the migraines will stop and this whole problem will resolve.

I am finding it very frustrating being unable to read much, only talking books on my VRS. I would love to devour some of the exciting books which are waiting for me on my kindle, hopefully soon.

My retired guide dog Chocolat is really feeling the cold at present. Although it is meant to be spring, in fact almost summer, yesterday I was wearing my thick wool winter coat, a singlet, thick socks and a scarf. All very odd for November. She is trying to find warm places to sleep during the day and given her age, almost 13, is sleeping longer than she used to. Jay is becoming a little frustrated with her and I am noting subtle differences in their interactions. 

Everyone loved my Facebook post of the Highlands of Scotland, my second home, so I will put up a couple of photos here.


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