Monday 28 July 2014


I am buying too many kindle books! This morning I found over $30 charged to my visa account which made me gasp but then reality hit and I realised I had purchased 5 books for less than one hard copy from the local bookshop. Among the latest titles are How to Write a Bestselling Memoir by Victoria Twead and  Who Would Give Up an Adorable Little Girl Anyway  by Janet Stephenson. I probably have over 30 unread books on my kindle, all waiting for my attention. What a wonderful way to obtain a library of books one does not have to find room for!

I have just been discussing blogs with my neighbour, who is 91, and cannot see the point in writing a blog. I suggested she look up a few art ones, her subject of interest, but she said it was too much bother. Privacy seems to be her main concern, albeit probably quite justified, but I wonder about a usually switched on oldie who does not enjoy blogs, Facebook and other social media. 

I am enjoying my Shonagh Koea book and may order another talking book of hers. She often uses her memoir to quote short passages from her novels to explain to the reader where those ideas came from in her own life. I am unsure if her novels are light and frivolous or serious and dark. Some of the books I have on my VRS are becoming less interesting as time passes and one or two are due for deletion, unread. 

My year of reading is a mystery to many people, particularly those who do not read at all. While it is now late July and I should be revving up the speed of my reading I am contemplating another year of reading next year, after all I have still not read The Luminaries. Long books often defeat me, although I read Gone With the Wind  in just one weekend when I was a teenager, I find the concentration required to follow facts or a plot when reading is often confined to the evening alone difficult to maintain.

I am beginning to wonder if I have deleted my travel bug. While it has infected me for over 50 years I am un-enthused at present, despite putting travel links and photos into this blog. I need somewhere nearby, quiet, no stress, restful, no long haul flights involved. The Coromandel Peninsula appeals! 

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