Friday 29 August 2014

Party Time

The Facebook page, We Love Memoirs, is having a 1st birthday party today. I was unsure how it would work given we are domiciled all over the world but so far it is fantastic. Word games, pass the parcel, tagging people, I cannot keep up with all the posts. What an amazing group of people dedicated to the writing and reading of memoirs.

Tonight I am attending a concert to raise funds for the hospital chaplains. I am not sure who is singing but I understand it is a mixture of choirs. It will be interesting to see who is performing, I am looking forward to it.

Reading has taken a back seat much of this week, although I have read quite a lot of The Flame Trees of Thika. I had no idea that there were several books in a series, hopefully the RNZFB has all of them so I can continue this story of Kenya.

My latest issue of NZ House and Garden arrived earlier this week, I have managed to read the story of one home, in a famous block of flats in Auckland, but tiredness and other chores have kept me away from my year of reading.

A short post this time, with no pictures! I am trying a different contact lens and everything has a shadow to it, very blurred, I think glasses are my only option now. I can hardly see the screen as I type.    

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