Monday 3 February 2014


Blood tests are a time consuming experiment. I caught a 7.10 bus to the clinic and arrived to find 12 people already waiting at 7.20am. I sat in the waiting room for almost an hour before finally having my tests and then I had to wait ages for a bus home which was late and then stopped at every possible bus stop on the way back to Chartwell. A five minute test involved a 2 hour round trip which is frustrating to say the least.

I have two books ordered at the Hamilton City Libraries but seem to have been number 3 on the list for months. I think they buy copies which can be reserved and others which are put on the shelf and it is just luck if people find them. This system seems a little unfair and negates the point of having a reserves system. Even a book I ordered for my Kindle before it was published arrived quicker than books I order from the library 5 minutes walk away.

I have become very interested in Art Journaling. Although I have ordered 3 books from Amazon I am poring over the one I borrowed from the library. Magnification is seldom needed as the pictures are bright and clear enough for me to obtain a plethora of ideas. I have decided to do two - one about my trip to Britain and Ireland in 2012 and a diary of a year in my garden. Ideas are racing around in my busy mind as I plan and decide where to purchase the materials required. I also plan on using my camera more and need to charge it. I think good quality photographs will enhance my journals. 

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