Sunday 25 May 2014


I have recovered enough from my extremely busy week to begin reading again. I have delved more deeply into the history of the Gucci family and am beginning to enjoy the background to this famous family. The narrator obviously speaks Italian which makes for a much better audio, people stumbling over difficult words and foreign languages makes me cringe.

I have always enjoyed books about books and over the weekend I have purchased several new books for my kindle on this subject. My appetite was whetted when I read Out of the Flames by Lawrence and Nancy Goldstone and also Lawrence's book Used and Rare.

Leave Me Alone, I'm Reading: Finding and Losing Myself in Books

Time Was Soft There: A Pari...

Both these books look really interesting and as soon as I have finished reading Tracks on my kindle I will begin one of them. Books have always been such a large part of my life and I miss being able to walk into a library and choose a huge pile which became my constant friends while I travelled the enchanted worlds in their pages. Kindles are wonderful for people who are vision impaired and blind, the Voice Over accessibility option makes it easy to explore any book on the planet. I go through buying phases, often reading a book straight away, other times savouring its presence in my personal electronic library. Strangely, I have still not read the first kindle book I purchased,  Painter of Silence it looks really interesting but has avoided my clicking on it for almost 2 years!

Jay always plays up in windy weather, on Friday he saw one of those rather nasty dogs walking along the footpath and growled and lunged at it. Very embarrassing, not safe and difficult for me to deal with. Perhaps I need to purchase a book on golden retrievers!   

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