Saturday 31 May 2014


I am beginning to wonder, as an ardent 1970's feminist, what we have done to the lives of women. So many of us are exhausted, stressed and unable to live a satisfying and enjoyable existence due to the demands of work and running a home. It has become the norm for both partners to work, leaving children to fend for themselves, homes to deteriorate and families unable to enjoy time together. I am beginning to realise how privileged I was to be able to spend time with my children and how intermittent work at home now means I can work when I choose.

I must be at the end of the book about the Gucci family, it has become a great sleeping draught. I have given up re-winding my VRS as missing 5 or 10 minutes seems to be unimportant with such a slow moving plot. I am also struggling a little with Tracks on my kindle, mostly due to my inability to spend any amount of quality time reading at present.

Writing has been left on the back burner, I have so many unfinished stories which I hope to spend time on soon, intellectual stimulation through writing is a true necessity and keeps me focused and looking forward. Yesterday I went shopping with my disabled daughter and we found a wonderful book sale at Whitcoulls. She purchased a book of New Zealand Landscape Painting for half price and I found a gorgeous expose of French interior decorating. Well worth the sore feet and a reluctant guide dog.

Cherie and I have spent each evening watching DVD movies, despite the considerable interruptions with her boyfriend ringing. On Friday we watched What Maisie Knew,  yesterday we delved into Salmon Fishing in the Yemen   and then decided to have a late night and watched The Butler. Apart from a large scratch on the fishing movie the movies were amazing. Again I was led to question my own role in bringing about equality for women and many years of feminist studies when I saw the damage parental indifference could do to a bright precocious young girl called Maisie. Perhaps it is time I re-visited some of my philosophical thinking - more reading!!  

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