Saturday 24 May 2014


After days of stress and not sleeping properly, to some extent due to a neck manipulation, I have finally managed to return to sensibility after a long night of relaxing sleep. Now I can plan and make choices for my days again, rest and read, do my art journaling and hopefully write again.

Swallows and Amazons (Swallows and Amazons, #1)
I read this book many years ago as a small child, fascinated by the freedom and sense of adventure I never experienced. Visiting a local bookshop, Poppies, I discovered a copy on special and purchased it. I am thoroughly enjoying re-reading this very British children's book, only discovering when looking for a cover to cut and paste that it has been filmed. I visited the Lakes District in 2007 and wondered where, of the many places I saw, which of them had been a part of Arthur Ransome's motivation for this story. I bought a copy with quite large print, all 500 pages may take me a while to devour, I will keep you posted. Do children have adventures anymore? Has the PC life overtaken risk, fun and family challenges so that children are ruled by decisions made in political offices?

   The House of Gucci: A Sensational Story of Murder, Madness, Glamour, and Greed 
I began reading this on my VRS a couple of nights ago. There was an introduction which took up quite a lot of reading time but last night I began with chapter 1, then promptly fell asleep. It looks to be a fascinating expose of such a well known fashion house and family. Gucci is a by-word for women wishing to have the best - clothes, handbags and more - the types of ephemera that those of us on a limited income can only dream about and probably have no desire to covet. This sounds like a very interesting read, I will post more when I have delved into the book properly.   

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