Friday 26 September 2014

Still Sick

I am still sick! Migraines have never been such a problem for me, I am unsure why they are impacting in life so much at present, thankfully I have a screen reader which allows me to continue working on my computer to some extent.

Reading has halted until my eyes settle down. I am unsure whether or not the shimmering on the screens are the cause of my problem or my eyes are just being generally difficult. I want to finish Susan Joyce's book and start something completely different now I am finally on holiday for two and a half weeks. I have dozens of unread books in my kindle just waiting to be devoured.

I need to get on with my writing also and start something which can become a summer project, maybe a book I can write and finish or several articles and poems. Time will tell, holiday time is the time to dream. I am looking forward to some lazy days doing very little, other days filled with work and anticipation of completing a project, now just to do some relaxing reading!

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