Sunday 2 March 2014


Yesterday I saw my grandson for the first time in about 12 months. They live 20 minutes away but never visit. I don't know why - no one ever tells me what the reason for ostracising me is so I can do nothing about it or explain that it is their problem not mine. My life is full and interesting but I do find it sad the children are missing out on knowing about their families.

I have delved a little deeper into Blackberry Wine  by Joanna Harris and am beginning to understand the mysteries behind the story. I often find time switches difficult but in this case it makes the story flow. The wine seems to follow Jay everywhere, perhaps it is the name of the main character that makes it a book worth reading.

Seagulls in the Attic is a fun, lighthearted book that I am enjoying on my VRS, but not one I would keep waking up to listen to. Tessa's adventures in Cornwall are worth hearing and the people, while obviously insular, are wonderful to hear about. Tiny things can give much amusement and also cause much strife, aka the story of the snake, not real, dropped under her feet in a local store.

I am expecting more visitors today. Initially a student, then later a cousin I have not seen for many years. That will be an interesting visit. Unsure how she will take my proposition, her response may be very telling. 

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