Friday 6 June 2014

Burn Out

A friend recently expressed concern that I may be suffering from burnout. While I have not reached that level I am very tired, have a sore neck and little time for the things in life I really enjoy. I have appointments next week to try and decide on a selective route back to health, hopefully this will remove my stress.

A Rainbow in the Night: The Tumultuous Birth of South Africa
I have started reading this book on my VRS. Although just a basic outline of the history of South Africa I was unaware, despite my years of reading, that apartheid was really a recent phenomenon in this country. Some of the stories are horrifying and one wonders if the Dutch may still view people with a different skin colour as being of lesser importance. I may be led to read deeper into the history of this awkward country where people, mostly white, are still leaving in droves to escape black rule and crime. 
One is led to wonder how Hitler could have influenced a country so removed from Germany.

I am continuing with Susan Cutsforth's book, Our House is Certainly not in Paris but wish I felt more like reading in the evening. Her journey of renovation and living the French lifestyle for several weeks each year is a wonderful memoir.

last night I watched the movie Sarah's Key. Very poignant and moving, I also felt a connection with the story of my father which is partly written, now needs to be finished. Tragedy can implode on any of us at any time and its consequences can lead to strength or destruction.  

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