Thursday 9 January 2014

Stymied Today

This will be a short post. I had plastic surgery yesterday to remove a possible melanoma from my left arm. I have a very long line of stitches, impressive dressing and bandage so typing is all one fingered.

I spent much of the afternoon reading The Lost Child of Philomena Lee and noting all the similarities between Michael's thinking and my own about adoption. I downloaded a couple of adoption books and will read them soon.

Recently I read about a woman's growing fascination with poetry as a writing medium. In order to grow in understanding of the flow of words she began by reading the work of William Butler Yeats. I have decided to implement this also and as a contrast also bought a kindle book of Rilke's poetry. This is an odd mix, brought about by watching the movie The Reader which I found gripping. My desire to explore new intellectual avenues in solitude this year is already paying large dividends.   

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