Wednesday 1 January 2014

Welcome to My New Blog

My new year's resolution is to start a new and more interesting blog. I am myopic and a bookworm. I hope to write about books, writing, travel and being visually impaired.

Friends think I am different, eccentric and a dreamer. I have begun to realise I am unique and this is essential for my existence. So I will begin a journey of sharing who and what I am, the practical and the impractical, books I have read or am reading,what I am writing and some funny stories of living with a vision impairment.

Travel is off the radar at present due to difficulties with a gluten intolerance. Living on my own means books and creativity are an essential part of who I am. Many of the books I read are talking books or increasingly on my kindle which allows me to increase the print size. Today I have finished a talking book called Up With the Larks which, while about a family's relocation to rural Cornwall was funny, sad and imposed itself on the dreaming visions of this restless reader. I have ordered Tessa Hainsworth's next two books and look forward to many hours of listening to her wonderful stories.

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